
Sunday, May 3, 2009

An Udderly Good Story

First of all, I grew up in a rural area, so I know that bulls don't have udders, but I thought it was a better title than some of the others I thought of! Second, I don't know the rules about stealing other peoples' blog stories, so I will just admit that this came from another person, and give her full credit, and hope everyone who reads it enjoys it as much as I did. It came from a fun blog I stumbled upon called "Momedy: If You Don't Laugh You'll Cry, and No One Likes A Crybaby," and the address is Whew -- hope that is sufficient! Finally, I could have cut out her ramblings about SE Idaho, but since that is the rural area I grew up in, you have to read about it. Sorry -- my blog, my rules! :) In the words of Momedy: Ok so our Stake President grew up on a farm in SE Idaho (didn't they all-I think it may be a pre-req for any leadership position in our church past Bishop that you grow up on a farm, preferably in SE Idaho...anyhoo..). SO! Whilst growing up on the farm, the Stake Pres and his family raised cattle. They would start as cute little calves. He said most of the calves would pay them no attention but this one, which had been tagged #4 ,was unusually friendly and affectionate. Hence, he and his brothers would kneel down on all fours and take turns butting heads with the calf.

'Cos in a boy's world that is fun times.Sadly the calf, he grew, and he continued to enjoy the game long after they did. One fateful day, they heard screaming from the pen or whatever it is you put growing calves in, and upon inspection, there lay his brother, pushed down on the ground by the calf (I am thinking forehead to forehead?) not about to let him up. It took several people intervening to get him to release the brother and he did, only to toss him over the fence. Nobody ever found themselves going alone into the pen with number 4 again. The analogy was of course that some things in life start out really innocuous, playful, fun and seem even natural so we "play" with them. And then they grow and take control over us. They are too big and strong for us to overcome alone and without help may easily destroy us and or our families. End of Momedy, Marylynn back. OK, so are there things in my life that have grown bigger than they should be? I would say yes, unfortunately. But I resolve to do better, starting now! I'll let you know how it goes.....

1 comment:

munks said...

wow you have been a blogging fiend lately. I enjoyed the story and the introspection (that is correct usage of that word right?)that comes with it. Happy Mothers Day, hope you had a good race for the cure.