
Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Blog Has Fleas

For almost a week, our dog, Buttons, has been scratching. She always scratches some, but this is floor-thumping, nerve-rattling, 10 minutes at a time scratching. It was driving Jordan crazy (insert your own joke here), so I bought flea shampoo, and we used it daily for about 3 days. On Day 3, Jordan noticed a 3 inch patch of bare, hairless dog skin on her rear end. Buttons had chewed/scratched her fur off in her fight against the brutally fearless Texas fleas! What a brave and valiant doggy!

I called the vet and requested an appointment ASAP to know how to fight these fiends (also because I got a postcard 2 months ago that she was due for her shots -- oops!). They got us in much more quickly than any doctor has ever gotten me or my sick children in, but I refuse to think about that for long. Things are a little better on the scratching side, but now I am grossed out that there may be fleas here in our carpet! I have been madly washing every piece of bedding or clothing the dog may have even looked at in the last week, and lifting couches and other furniture as per doctor's orders to vacuum anywhere she hangs out. As I type these words, I feel itchy. Maybe I should use that shampoo!

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